Detoxification & Cleansing

  1. Minimize Exposure to Pesticide Residues with the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen

    Minimize Exposure to Pesticide Residues with the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen

    Minimize Exposure to Pesticide Residues with the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen

    The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) latest updates to the annually published Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce offers practitioners and conscious consumers practical ways to safeguard health by reducing exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

  2. 7 Potential Signs of Infertility

    Signs of Infertility

    7 Potential Signs of Infertility

    Supporting your patients physically and emotionally is paramount in managing their overall health, especially reproductive well-being. In this guide, we explore seven potential factors/signs of infertility, including often-overlooked environmental factors that may be passively contributing to reproductive health challenges, and how you can monitor and provide guidance for their health management.

  3. What Are the Benefits of Coffee Enemas?

    What Are the Benefits of Coffee Enemas?

    What Are the Benefits of Coffee Enemas?

    As one of the oldest medical procedures still in use today, enemas have been used to optimize health and wellness in a variety of ways. Enema benefits stretch beyond the bowel and may improve circulation, boost energy, manage weight, and clear the skin.

  4. Psyllium Fiber – The Soluble Solution When Fiber is Needed

    Psyliium for a Happy Digestive System

    Psyllium Fiber – The Soluble Solution When Fiber is Needed

    What is small, soluble, slimy but has the might of Metamucil®? Psyllium fiber!! The use of this beloved seed and seed husk, predates the 80-year reign of fiber supplements such as Metamucil®. As a dietary supplement, psyllium fiber, derived from the husks of the seeds of Plantago ovata, is an herbaceous annual plant native to parts of Asia, Africa, and Northern Europe. Not only does psyllium seed provide a variety of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus, it is considered to be one of the most effective, naturally available sources of soluble fiber.

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