Vitamins and Minerals

  1. 7 Key Ingredients for Radiant Summer Wellness

    7 Key Ingredients for Radiant Summer Wellness

    7 Key Ingredients for Radiant Summer Wellness

    As the sun shines bright and the days grow long, our skin and eyes require extra care to stay healthy. As the sun shines bright and the days grow long, our skin and eyes require extra care to stay healthy.  These seven key ingredients can support radiant health.

  2. What Type of Salt is the Best?

    Best Types of Salt

    What Type of Salt is the Best?

    We are passionate about good nutrition, and our enthusiasm for quality salt is no exception. Salt has played a vital role in human civilization as a flavor enhancer and food preservative. Sodium, a key element in salt, is essential for various physiological functions, including regulating extracellular fluid volume, nerve conduction, and muscle function.1 As a natural source of fluid-balancing electrolytes, high-quality salt can be considered a functional food because of its role as an essential and flavorful part of a healthy diet.

  3. Premier Magnesium Glycinate – A Whole-Body Wellness Essential

    Magnesium Blog

    Premier Magnesium Glycinate – A Whole-Body Wellness Essential

    Emerging research suggests that magnesium is critical to maintaining necessary physiological processes and healthy mental state.  It is estimated that between 56% - 68% of Americans do not obtain, nor absorb enough magnesium in their diet daily to meet the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 300-400 mg.

  4. A Guide to Plant-Based Diets

    A Guide to Plant-Based Diets | Premier Research Labs

    A Guide to Plant-Based Diets

    Answers to common patient questions about plant-based diets

    Research underscores the short- and long-term benefits of eating a whole-foods plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean protein, healthy fats, and minimally processed foods. Use this guide to plant-based diets to start a conversation with your patients about the benefits and how-to’s of plant-based eating.

  5. Unlocking the Neuroprotective Potential of Magnesium

    Magnesium Supplements

    Unlocking the Neuroprotective Potential of Magnesium

    In the intricate symphony of the human body, magnesium, a macro-mineral of significant importance, plays a crucial role, particularly in the realm of brain health and neurological function. Despite its critical role, magnesium deficiency is alarmingly prevalent. This deficiency can precipitate a myriad of health complications, ranging from fatigue and abnormal heart rhythms to more severe neurological disorders. This article aims to elucidate the role of magnesium, with a specific focus on magnesium malate, in maintaining and enhancing brain health. The discussion will encompass the interaction of this essential mineral with neurotransmitters, its influence on mood and sleep, and its neuroprotective effects.

  6. Taming Oxidative Stress with Tocotrienols

    Blocks spelling Vitamin E

    Taming Oxidative Stress with Tocotrienols

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality globally. The fire of all chronic illness begins with the spark of inflammation, and it is fueled by vulnerable, undernourished cell membranes. We are only as healthy as our cell membranes, the building blocks of tissues, organs, and body systems. Antioxidant therapy has been proposed as a potential intervention that may reduce the incidence of heart failure. Learn about how tocotrienols, considered the vitamin E of the 21st century, may be a missing ingredient in a heart healthy wellness plan

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