Acid Alkaline Balance and Its Impact on Health
Acid alkaline balance is a crucial factor in our overall health. For our cells to function properly, the balance between acidic and alkaline substances in the body must be tightly regulated so that the pH of the blood is slightly alkaline, around 7.4. When our bodies become too acidic, known as acidosis, we may experience decreased immune function, chronic inflammation, and even bone loss. Conversely, an overly alkaline body, known as alkalosis, can cause muscle weakness and cramping.
To achieve a healthy acid alkaline balance, our diet plays a vital role. Consuming alkalizing minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium found in greens can help balance the acid levels in the body. Greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in alkalizing minerals and vitamins that promote a healthy pH balance. Additionally, herbs such as parsley and cilantro are great sources of alkalizing minerals.
A QRA Perspective on pH
But the benefits of maintaining a healthy acid alkaline balance extend beyond just physical health. Energetically, an alkaline body promotes vitality, better digestion, and overall wellness. It's no wonder why many health experts consider pH balance as one of the essential components of optimal health.
As Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) practitioners, we believe that the body's energy systems and organs can become imbalanced when the acid-alkaline balance is disrupted. By using muscle testing to identify these imbalances we can recommend natural remedies, such as whole food supplements, homeopathy, and herbal formulas, to help correct them. By incorporating QRA concepts into the discussion of acid-alkaline balance, we can consider not just the physical effects of maintaining a healthy pH balance, but also the energetic benefits.
By ensuring that our body is properly balanced and nourished with alkalizing minerals, we can promote vitality, better digestion, and overall wellness. Including alkalizing greens and herbs in our diet can help us achieve a healthy acid-alkaline balance, and incorporating QRA concepts may help us identify and correct any imbalances that may arise.
It All Begins with Soil Health …
As discussed in our recent Cal-Mag blog, the pH of the soil has considerable influence on the mineral content of food. One of the first considerations in an alkaline diet, which includes an emphasis on consuming more fruits and vegetables, is to know what type of soil they were grown in, and whether done so using organic or convention farming practices. Since the agricultural revolution and even more recently with industrialized food production, there has been a decrease in potassium compared to sodium and an increase in chloride compared to bicarbonate found in the diet.
You see, minerals are used as buffers to maintain pH. In the soil, when the pH is less than 6, there is less calcium and magnesium while in soils with a more alkaline pH causes iron, manganese, copper and zinc to become chemically unavailable. The pH acts as the gatekeeper and only allows minerals to be utilized and absorbed when the pH is within a specific range.
This scenario plays out in the human body as well. An acidic pH can hamper the bioavailability of nutrients for uptake by our cells. Blood has a very narrow pH range (7.35 – 7.45) which is tightly regulated by our respiratory and urinary systems to achieve acid-base in the body. The lungs help regulate blood pH by removing carbon dioxide from the blood through the lungs, where it is exhaled. With the help of the brain, the speed at which carbon dioxide is exhaled is regulated, minute by minute. In a process that occurs over several days, the kidneys also help regulate blood pH by excreting excess acids or bases metabolized from the diet.
Just like adding alkalinizing soil amendments, such as dolomite lime, when individuals begin to consume more alkaline foods, the intracellular terrain slowly begins to change, improving the exchange of nutrients and waste at the cellular level. When consistently consuming more alkalizing fruits and vegetables, significant pH changes may be detectable via urine or saliva, but not in blood pH.
Acid-Base Disorders – What are They and Why Worry?
Alkalosis and acidosis are disorders that result from complications maintaining acid-base balance. Alkalosis occurs when blood pH increases, becoming less acidic while acidosis occurs when blood pH decreases, becoming more acidic.
Metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis are caused by an imbalance in the production of acids or bases as well as their excretion by the kidneys. This occurs when the body is in shock or when type 1 diabetes is poorly controlled resulting in diabetic ketoacidosis or worse, kidney failure. Respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis are caused by changes in the carbon dioxide exhalation due to lung or breathing disorders such as pneumonia, asthma, COPD/sleep apnea, or heart failure. When either of these disorders is detected, it provides an important clue to doctors that a serious problem may be brewing in the body.
When our bodies are in a more acidic state, they are weaker and more vulnerable to disease and dysfunction. Our body’s natural defenses and ability to repair from wear and tear become weakened. Conditions such as chronic renal failure and chronic metabolic acidosis inevitably result in a loss of skeletal muscle.
Chronic Acidosis – A Recipe for Trouble
Metabolic acidosis can be directly associated with consumption of modern, SAD diets. Due to the cumulative effects of soil depletion, modern human diets are deficient in magnesium, potassium, as well as fiber and contain excessive amounts of saturated fat, simple sugars, sodium, and chloride. Over time, this sets the stage for metabolic acidosis to occur due to the gradual loss of the kidney’s acid-base regulatory function which may have adverse effects on bone health as well as body systems and organs, especially the kidneys.
Studies show that even the slightest shift toward metabolic acidosis can produce insulin resistance and systemic hypertension. Furthermore, strongly acidic diets combined with excess body weight, lack of exercise and ageing, are a recipe for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
Dietary sodium is a predictor increased incidence of metabolic acidosis. When our bodies become too acidic, calcium and magnesium are drawn from the bones. Bone building cells become less effective, and the cells’ pH balance is affected. This condition, called chronic metabolic acidosis, can deplete the mineral reserves in bone and can cause osteopenia (lower bone density) and eventually osteoporosis (loss of bone mass with risk of fractures).
The kidneys, one of the most vital organ systems of the body, can become overwhelmed by net acid loads resulting in higher incidence of kidney disorders including kidney stones, kidney disease, and kidney failure. A low carb, high protein diet with its increased acid load results in very little change in blood pH, but results in many observable changes in urinary chemistry. Urinary magnesium levels, urinary citrate and pH are decreased, while urinary calcium, undissociated uric acid, and phosphate are increased in individuals consuming modern, SAD diets.
Greens – A Vital Solution for Maintaining Acid Alkaline Balance
As wellness practitioners, we already know that greens are a powerful solution to maintaining a healthy acid alkaline balance in the body. These nutrient-dense plants contain alkalizing minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that help to regulate pH levels and promote optimal health. For example, kale is an excellent source of calcium, spinach is rich in magnesium, and collard greens are loaded with potassium, all of which help to neutralize acidity and promote a healthy pH balance.
But the benefits of greens don't stop there. They are also incredibly nutrient-dense and offer a range of health benefits. For instance, greens like arugula, watercress, and chard are rich in antioxidants that help to protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation. They also contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining optimal health.
Alkaline diets, or diets high in fruits and vegetables, improve the potassium-sodium ratio improving cardiovascular health, bone health while reducing muscle loss and mitigating chronic diseases such as hypertension and strokes. The increase in dietary magnesium, required to activate vitamin D, would enhance bone health as well as immune function.
Energetically, whole foods, especially iron-containing greens, build blood and improve energy levels by enhancing RBC production. They also support healthy digestion, which is essential for optimal nutrient absorption. Adding greens to your diet is an easy way to boost your overall health and energy levels.
For those who struggle to consume enough greens in their daily diets, powdered greens supplements can be a convenient solution. Look for supplements that have been fermented, as fermentation can enhance nutrient absorption and improve the bioavailability of the nutrients in the greens.
Fermentation – Traditional Methods for Optimizing Nutrition
Fermentation has been used for centuries to enhance the nutritional value of foods. When it comes to leafy green herbs, vegetables and seaweeds, fermentation can improve nutrient absorption and enhance their bioavailability, making it easier for the body to access and utilize their beneficial nutrients. This ancient technique of preparing and preserving vegetables and fruits has several confirmed benefits including enhanced digestibility of macronutrients, removal of anti-nutritional factors (such as phytic acid, oxalates, and tannins), and promotes beneficial gut bacteria to produce probiotics, enzymes, and organic acids that promote healthy digestion and boost immune function.
Studies have shown that fermenting greens increases the bioavailability of nutrients such as vitamins C, E, and K, calcium, and iron. This means that consuming fermented greens supplements can provide even more nutritional benefits than fresh or cooked greens. Additionally, fermented greens supplements can be more convenient and easier to consume than whole greens for individuals with exceptionally busy lives or an exceptional nutritional need.
Choosing a high-quality fermented greens supplement made from organic, non-GMO ingredients free from harmful fillers, or additives is crucial. Fermented greens supplements can boost your intake of greens, enhance nutrient absorption, and promote a healthy acid alkaline balance. But fermentation isn't just about nutrition. Consuming fermented foods enhances vitality and digestion, making it easier for the body to build blood and energy levels. So, if you're looking to improve your acid alkaline balance, enhance nutrient absorption, and boost your vitality, give fermented greens a try.
Assessing Resonance of Patients and Plants
As natural health professionals, we can use QRA to determine which powdered greens supplements are the best fit for each patient's unique needs. Through non-invasive testing of the body's reflexes, we can identify which supplements are most effective at promoting optimal nutrient absorption and utilization for each individual.
In addition, QRA can help us to determine the ideal serving size of powdered greens supplements for each patient. By testing the body's reflexes, we can identify the most effective dosage to support the body's needs.
Furthermore, QRA can help us to identify any potential allergies or sensitivities to specific powdered greens supplements, ensuring that our patients are only consuming supplements that are safe and beneficial for their unique body.
By incorporating QRA into our approach to powdered greens supplements, we can provide our patients with personalized recommendations that support their overall health and well-being. We can empower our patients to take charge of their health by offering practical solutions that fit their lifestyle, while still emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet as the foundation of optimal health.
Powered by Plants - The Practicality of Using Powdered Greens Supplements
Our role as wellness practitioners, is to empower our patients to take charge of their health. And while fresh greens are always the best option, we understand that life can get busy. That's where powdered greens supplements come in - they offer an easy and convenient way to get the nutrients your body needs.
But as with any supplement, quality is key. Look for organic, non-GMO, and a fermented greens options to ensure optimal nutrient absorption. Powdered greens supplements are also more concentrated than fresh greens, meaning you can pack more nutrients into a smaller serving, making this dietary supplement practical and potent!
Another benefit of powdered greens supplements is their longer shelf life. They can be a great option for patients with busy lifestyles who struggle to eat fresh greens regularly. However, it's important to note that they should not be a substitute for a healthy diet. Instead, encourage your patients to use them as a supplement to their daily greens.
As natural health professionals, it's our duty to educate our patients on the importance of a healthy diet and offer solutions that fit their lifestyle. Utilizing high-quality powdered fermented greens supplements can be a practical solution for patients who need an easy and convenient way to get their daily dose of greens. With the right supplement, our patients can boost their nutrient intake and energy levels without sacrificing time and convenience.
- Jaffe, Russell. Joy in Living: The Alkaline Way. Health Studies Collegium. 2014.
- Schwalfenberg, Gerry. The Alklaine Diet: Is There Evidence That an Alkaline pH Diet Benefits Health? Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Volume 2012, Article ID 727630, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2012/72763
- Shalchi, Homa. Debating Diets: What is the alkaline diet? February 28, 2022. Baylor College of Medicine. Accessed at https://blogs.bcm.edu/2022/02/28/debating-diets-what-is-the-alkaline-diet/
- Lewis III, James L. Overview of Acid-Base Balance. Merck Manual Consumer Version. Available at: https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/hormonal-and-metabolic-disorders/acid-base-balance/overview-of-acid-base-balance
- Ray, Ramesh, and Swain M. Chapter 3 - Nutritional Values and Bioactive Compounds in Lactic Acid Fermented Vegetables and Fruits. Lactic Acid Fermentation of Fruits and Vegetables. 2017.
Q: What is the importance of maintaining an acid-alkaline balance?
A: Maintaining an acid-alkaline balance is essential for our cells to function properly. An overly acidic or alkaline body can cause decreased immune function, chronic inflammation, and even bone loss.
Q: What foods can help promote a healthy pH balance?
A: Greens such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in alkalizing minerals and vitamins that promote a healthy pH balance. Additionally, herbs such as parsley and cilantro are great sources of alkalizing minerals.
Q: What are the benefits of consuming fermented greens?
A: Consuming fermented greens can improve nutrient absorption and enhance their bioavailability, making it easier for the body to access and utilize their beneficial nutrients. It can also increase the bioavailability of vitamins C, E, and K, calcium, and iron, and promote beneficial gut bacteria to produce probiotics, enzymes, and organic acids that promote healthy digestion and boost immune function.